GDPR – Privacy per design

We collect, store and display messages (in the form of short videos, pictures and plain text messages) and email addresses. We do that on behalf of our customers (brand, retailers) for the benefit of their clients who use our solution.

Of course, we deeply care about the privacy of your data and are fully compliant with the latest RGPD legislation.

Here is a brief description of the procedures we have in place to ensure that your data remains highly protected as they should be.

What we collect

The minimum required for StoryDots experience to function efficiently is a video message, name and an email address from the person recording the message. In addition, if the recipient decides to reply with a selfie, we also ask for their name and email address to deliver the response.

But based on the specificity of the operation and our customers needs, we might eventually ask for some more data. Also, the acceptance of our terms of use is of course required for the StoryDots experience to work.


As said before, we need at the very minimum the name and email of the person who created the message for 4 reasons:

  1. Customize the experience with a name.
  2. Allow them to record again the message if needed.
  3. Allow the beneficiary to reply with a selfie and message.
  4. Notify them when the reply is complete.
What do we do with the data we collect

We analyze the data to obtain consumption profiles always with the idea of improving the quality of the advertising they receive and offer the best for them at the right time sharing those data elements with our clients for analytics and advertising purposes.

Occasionally, we record and study user’s sessions to understand how our interface is perceived and used so that we can always improve it and make our user’s experience better.

What we do not do

We do not share or show the content of the messages created. Each message is unique and can only be accessed through the QR or sharing link.

We do not resell the data we collect. Our clients will only be able to set up ads from our platform.

We do not send newsletters. We know how irritating it can be and we try to improve the quality of what you receive.

Where is the data?

Our platform is currently hosted on Amazon Web Services ( and your data with the best security standards.

Access, download, delete YOUR data

Videos are stored in the cloud to be viewed for a month (starting to run this time since it is recorded) and then completely deleted.

As a user (not a customer) of our service, you can send an email to and request for the removal of your data.